- Compassion Fatigue
Magistrate Kaarin M. Lueck - JFI Wellness History and Objectives
Judicial Family Institute - Building and Maintaining Supportive Relationships Between Judicial Officers and Their Loved Ones
Hon. Jeremy Fogel (ret.), Executive Director, Berkeley Judicial Institute - Judicial Ethics and Judicial Families
Cynthia Gray, NCSC's Center for Judicial Ethics - Stress Management and Resiliency Training Program
Mayo Clinic - A New Judge in the Family: Challenges for the Spouse and Children
Mirelsa Modestti-González, Ph.D. - Behavioral Disorders in Children and Adolescents
George Durham M.D., F.A.A.P. - Calling for Help: Hotline Addresses California Judges’ Health Issues
Stephanie Francis Cahill - Critical Mental Health Resources for College Students
Staff Writers at Online Colleges - CT Scans, Children and Cancer
Seymour Abrahamson - Eating Well & Getting Exercise
Judicial Family Institute - El ingreso a la Judicatura: Retos para la familia de nuevos jueces (Spanish)
Mirelsa Modestti-González, Ph.D. - H1N1 Novel Influenza (Swine Flu)
George H. Durham II, M.D., F.A.A.P. - Helping Judges in Distress
Dr. Isaiah M. Zimmerman, Washington School of Psychiatry - Las Muchas Caras de la Negación (Spanish)
Mirelsa Modestti-González, Ph D - Obesity
George Durham, M.D. (Utah) - Six-Month Checkup: Early Warning Signs of Judicial Burnout and Personal Burnout Prevention Plan
Isaiah M. Zimmerman - Sleep
George Durham M.D., Utah Pediatrician - Stress Resilience for the Judicial Family
Tennessee Judicial Family Institute - Two-Week Vacations Energize
Judicial Family Institute - Warning Signs for Suicide
Shared by Indiana Judges and Lawyers Assistance Director Terry Harrell
Substance Abuse
- Substance Abuse and Dependence
Seymour Abrahamson - The American Bar Association Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs website has extensive information on these issues of concern. Click here to access the website.
- A Lawyer's Guide to Healing by Don Carroll-Solutions for Addiction and Depression (available from This book received outstanding reviews in he ABA's publication "Highlights."
Providing Help to Judges in Distress
The Journal of the American Judicature Society, Judicature: July-August 2006, Volume 90#1 is devoted to "Providing Help to Judges in Distress." For permission to reprint the following articles free of charge or to get copies of this Judicature magazine for a small fee to cover printing and mailing costs, contact the Center for Judicial Ethics directly at
Major articles include:
- Addressing Disability and Promoting Wellness in the Federal Courts.
Richard Carlton, California Lawyers Assistance Program. - Editorial - A Fresh Look at Judicial Impairment
- The Harder They Fall: A Hand Up for Impaired Judges.
A six member panel symposium. - The Worst-Kept Secret in the Courthouse.
Cynthia Gray, director of NCSC's Center for Jury Studies. - In addition there are three sidebars containing personal stories by members, present and former, of the judiciary with respect to their addictions and treatments.